Friday, October 12, 2012

Canning Butter

*Warning*  The USDA has stated that it is not "safe" to can butter, or any milk product for that matter.  I am choosing to ignore that warning.  I feel that if thousands of others have canned butter and have not become sick or died that I will try it.  I would like it if you don't comment on how this is unsafe.  Try this on your own risk, I have warned you.  ~Back to my regular post.

I have seen this several times on pintrest.  I had to try it.  I am working on our year supply, but with limited cash I thought this was the perfect way to store butter.  I have heard that in the Great Depression that they missed fats and butter most.  This would be a great way to add calories to a diet, and keep everyone from getting food boredom.

Canning Butter

Items List
Cookie Sheet
Wire Rack
6 Boxes of Butter
12 Canning Jars with Lids and Rings

1. Sterilize Jars, Lids and Rings
2. Preheat oven to 225°F
3. Line up the jars on the cookie sheet.  That way you don't have to move the jars one, by one.

4. Add one stick of Butter.  I've read blogs where they had to cut them to fit, but my sticks of butter fit perfectly.

5. Make sure to fit one stick to each jar.

5.  Put them in the oven for 15-20 minutes or longer the butter needs to be completely melted.

Here it is all melted.

6. Cut 9 stick of butter into 3 pieces.  You will cut 2 3 Tablespoon pieces and 1 2 Tablespoon piece.

7. Add 6 Tablespoons of butter to each jar. So either 2 3Tbsp pieces or 3 2 Tbsp pieces.

8. Wipe the rims of the jars, then add the lids and rings.  Tighten them figure tight,and put them back into the oven.  They need to be in the oven for 45 minutes. 

9.  Take them out of the oven and listen to them "ping".  Let them cool down for a while then start shaking. 

10.  Here they are after shaking them.  This way everything is mixed back together.  They will keep for 3 years so make sure to rotate your stock, and use up what you can.

I had 2 that didn't seal so I took off the ring and lid.  Cleaned the rim of the jar and put on a clean lid.  I then put them back in the oven for 45 more minutes.  I had success and all 12 jars sealed. 

Happy Canning~ Elizabeth

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